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Re: Vegetarian Recipes, HELP ME!!
Posted By: Tess, on host
Date: Monday, May 21, 2001, at 08:41:15
In Reply To: Re: Vegetarian Recipes, HELP ME!! posted by wintermute on Monday, May 21, 2001, at 02:18:39:

> I can understand people not wanting to be cruel to animals and stuff, but becoming vegetarian because you don't like meat? That's just plain wierd.
> Personally, I've considered becoming vegetarian on moral grounds (no, really, I have morals - I just keep them well hidden), but I love the taste of meat far too much to ever give it up.
> winter"commited carnivore"mute

It's really a combination of the two -- disliking meat, and moral reasons. I don't think it's really weird to stop eating meat because I don't like it...because when I do, it makes me sick. I just finally realized this a few days ago, and I'm now in search of good ways to eat with out meat!

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