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Re: I love animals, they're delicious.
Posted By: Nyperold, on host
Date: Tuesday, May 22, 2001, at 07:41:20
In Reply To: Re: I love animals, they're delicious. posted by wintermute on Tuesday, May 22, 2001, at 05:22:17:

> > > Well what if I said that I didn't see anything wrong with eating you???? That wouldn't make it right!! Animals are alive too and deserve our respect!!!

You haven't said anything on the subject, but I hope you don't advocate the murder of babies in the womb, or that would just be *too* ironic all on its own. :)

> > Vegans (not me) get their meat-like proteins primarily from eggs.
> Vegans eat NO animal products at all. No eggs, no cheese, no pork, nothing.
> Most vegans get protien from potato skins, beans, soya and mycoproteins.

That's what I thought. Ovo vegetarians eat eggs. Ovo-lacto vegetarians also drink milk. What kind of vegetarian eats fish, anyway?

> > I realise that 'murder' is a no-no word for many. None the less, the harsh reality is that, yes, it is natural for humans to 'murder' animals for food (and plenty of other things). Get used to it, 'cause I dare say you wouldn't be alive if this were not the case.
> > That said, there is one very good reason for not buying meat (and becoming politicaly active), and that is the way (a large part of) the meat industry treats the animals.
> Oh, I'll agree with that. The trick is to find somewhere that kills animals in a humane way. Only that's way too expensive for most people.

Oh, you mean the traditional kosher method of killing, where they make a straight cut for the sciatic(sp?) nerve, killing it instantly, or nearly so, and certainly a lot faster than bludgeoning it.

> winter"does that mean you agree with my tiger farm idea?"mute

Tiger farms. Hmm... well, it's possible that tiger meat could become popular. Just don't expect me to purposefully buy tiger meat.

Nyper"no hooves"old

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