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Re: I love animals, they're delicious.
Posted By: Wes, on host
Date: Tuesday, May 22, 2001, at 17:04:26
In Reply To: Re: I love animals, they're delicious. posted by Libby on Tuesday, May 22, 2001, at 10:27:42:

> Murder is what it is, so that is the word I'm goig to use!! It may be aharsh word, but it is the truth. I'm sure that my ancestors could have gotten along just fine wihtout meat, just like I am doing now!! I am healthy and happy and a Vegan. I don't murder animals, and they don't murder me.

Killing for eating it *not* the same thing as murder, and even if it were, that's what we do. We're animals. Animals kill animals. I don't understand how people can not understand that.

> Money should not be an issue here!! Animals deserve our respect! Murder is murder, there's no way around it.

What have animals ever done to earn my respect? Nothing that I can think of. Plus, again, it's *not* murder. Plus money is always an issue. Would you have people die because they starve since they don't have enough to buy your humane meat?

> Lib"tiger farm??? Please tell me your jokeing and even if you are you shouldnt joke about things like that"by

There's nothing you shouldn't joke about. Plus what's wrong with a tiger farm? Although I think a tiger hole would be better... Just throw a bunch of pregnant tigers into a big pit. Some of them will eat the others to survive, and they'll give birth, and then the new ones will eat some other newborns and grow, and soon you'll have a whole pit full of high quality tiger meat.

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