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Re: I love animals, they're delicious.
Posted By: eric sleator, on host
Date: Tuesday, May 22, 2001, at 22:04:25
In Reply To: Re: I love animals, they're delicious. posted by Sam on Tuesday, May 22, 2001, at 20:31:12:

> No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How would you like it if an
> antelope put a stick through your gut and
> roasted you over a fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And ate
> your legs off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i woldn't leik it but we dno;t get evrytihng we like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

> How would you like it if someone told your boss
> that you were stealing money from the company,
> and he fired you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what fi yuor boss had said you could work and but nto eat the lunch in l;unch room??????????? NO

and who says you rboss si a he??????// their are maney women bgosses you r sexist pig!!!!!!!!!1 I EAT PIGS!!!!!!!!!! BECause i am not a CRAZY HREBIVOVEGTEARIEN LEIK U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

-eric "Sorry." sleator
Tue 22 May A.D. 2001