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Re: I love animals, they're delicious.
Posted By: Nyperold, on host
Date: Tuesday, May 22, 2001, at 07:55:51
In Reply To: Re: I love animals, they're delicious. posted by Libby on Monday, May 21, 2001, at 22:51:40:

> > Reasons why I eat animals.
> >
> > 1) I don't see anything wrong with eating animals.
> Well what if I said that I didn't see anything wrong with eating you???? That wouldn't make it right!! Animals are alive too and deserve our respect!!!
> >
> > 2) Its not like animals have anything better to do then sit on my plate.
> What about bringing up their young or living their own lives, in peace? Do you have nothing better to do than sit on a plate!? Animals are living things just like you and me!!
> >
> > 3) Its not inhumane, one quick cut and they're dead.
> Even if that was true (which it is not!!) it wouldn't be very much help. How would you like it if I kidnapped you when you were a baby, kept you in a box, and then made one quick cut until you were dead?? Probably wouldn't be much consoleation!
> >
> > 4) Meat is good.
> So is money. Doesn't mean I'm going to rob a bank for it!!
> >
> > 5) Meat is a good source of protien. I know you can get from beans, but who wants to have gas all night?
> >
> > -Help
> I don't mean to be rude on my first post but you happened to pick an issue very close to my heart (I'm a vegan). There are plenty of other protien sources. You don't need meat to be healthy and happy. Meat is murder, and it's no better than eating humans!! You wouldn't eat a human, but a cow is fine? The thing is a cow is probably better than a human because how many wars have cows started? Think on that for a bit...
> Lib "New to Rinkworks please don't think I'm too mean! Hehe. Did I do this right?" by

Well, you're welcome here as long 1) you can stand being around us, and 2) the Management can stand you being here. :)

That said, don't exhaust yourself on the issue. I'm between Ticia(ovo lacto vegetarian) and most others(eat any meat as long as it tastes good and their doctors haven't said anything against it) in strictness on myself, and I've heard of more people around here becoming vegetarian, than just regular kosher. :)
