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Re: I love animals, they're delicious.
Posted By: wintermute, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 23, 2001, at 03:45:25
In Reply To: Re: I love animals, they're delicious. posted by Libby on Tuesday, May 22, 2001, at 20:06:39:

> What you are talking about is "free range" chickens and those are at least better than all but it is not the only way. I do not know about Canada but in the U.S.A. I know this is true. You ask for proof well I read about this in a magazine I think it was Time or something. My friend (who convinced me to become a vegan) has it and if you really want it I can get it for you.

> Do you remember that thing with Oprah a while ago where she spoke out against the beef industry because of the expert on her show showed how inhumane and filthy it was... cows being kept in cages (what do you think veal is but babies in cages??) and dirty and killed slowly. Sure they try one quick cut but it doesn't always work and the industry has a lot of money to keep the environmental protectionists out of the way. Remember they sued Oprah even though she won in the end but still. That's a lot of money to have!! Don't think they don't try and pay off politicians!!!

OK, your point here is seems to be that it's not OK to eat meat because of the auful conditions the animals are raised in.

There is a farm in Japan where the cows eat th finest quality grass, have daily massages and are generally pampered more than any human ever was. Basically, they get the good life.

Now, these animals are only alive in the first place to be killed and eaten, and they get all of this pampering because it makes the meat more tender and tasty.

Incidentaly, as you said earlier that money shouldn't be a factor, the beef from this farm costs somewhere around $50 per kilo.

Would you be prepaired to eat this beef? Would you accept that other people had the moral right to do so?

winter"would love to try it, but it's way more money than I can afford"mute

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