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Re: Vegetarian Recipes, HELP ME!!
Posted By: wintermute, on host
Date: Monday, May 21, 2001, at 02:18:39
In Reply To: Vegetarian Recipes, HELP ME!! posted by Tess on Sunday, May 20, 2001, at 23:47:53:

> I've recently become a vegetarian, for the simple fact that I REALLY don't like meat all the much. I've been looking up recipes on the 'net, but I'd like to get input from REAL people on what they think is good! If any of ya'll have any good recipes you'd like to share- email me, or post a link or whatever's easiest for you!

I can understand people not wanting to be cruel to animals and stuff, but becoming vegetarian because you don't like meat? That's just plain wierd.

Personally, I've considered becoming vegetarian on moral grounds (no, really, I have morals - I just keep them well hidden), but I love the taste of meat far too much to ever give it up.

winter"commited carnivore"mute

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