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Posted By: julian, on host
Date: Tuesday, May 22, 2001, at 23:56:01
In Reply To: Re: I love animals, they're delicious. posted by Wes on Tuesday, May 22, 2001, at 20:32:27:

> > Yes exactly we are animals too so we should respect them. If I killed you and ate you, that wouldn't be okay would it??? But its just an animal killing an animal right?
> >
> Animals don't respect us, why should we respect them? And an even better point, respect is something to be earned, not something that you get just for being alive. And again, regardless of all this, we are supposed to eat animals! Our physical make-up is such that we can eat animals! And no, if an animal killed me I certainly wouldn't like it, but it would in no way be *wrong*. The world can't be the picture perfect place you want it to be. The world is what it is, a place where things kill other things to survive, and doesn't need to change just because you don't like it.
> > >
> > > > Money should not be an issue here!! Animals deserve our respect! Murder is murder, there's no way around it.
> > > >
> > >
> > > What have animals ever done to earn my respect? Nothing that I can think of. Plus, again, it's *not* murder. Plus money is always an issue. Would you have people die because they starve since they don't have enough to buy your humane meat?
> >
> > Animals are peaceful loving creatures that donot engage in the random violence and hatefulness of people! What have YOU ever done to earn MY respect? Nothing but I respect you like I respect all living things!
> If I haven't done anything to earn your respect, then you shouldn't respect me. And respect isn't the issue anyways.

I believe that everyone and everything is entitled to a minimum of respect, so that we show some consideration even to those that we do not know or own. For instance, I show respect for private property even if I don't know the owner. Also, I don't kill an animal just for fun or because it's standing in my way or whatever.
But on the other hand, I don't (or try not to :-))automatically fall in awe of everything a TV host says, or let a mosquito bite me because I won't kill it: If the TV host lies, he/she/it earns my disrespect (total_respect = initial_respect - disrespect), and the mosquito trying to bite me is my natural enemy.

> > Animals are living creatures that can think and have emotions and have feelings and feel pain (this is why they are different than plants)!!

The question of whether plants 'feel' is related to a whole bunch of earlier threads. For instance, I'm thinking of the discussion of what Science can prove/has proved ("Religious Evolution")on this very page. I'd say that we have no idea whether plants have a 'life', 'consciousness', etc.

> > >
> > > > Lib"tiger farm??? Please tell me your jokeing and even if you are you shouldnt joke about things like that"by
> > >
> > > There's nothing you shouldn't joke about. Plus what's wrong with a tiger farm? Although I think a tiger hole would be better... Just throw a bunch of pregnant tigers into a big pit. Some of them will eat the others to survive, and they'll give birth, and then the new ones will eat some other newborns and grow, and soon you'll have a whole pit full of high quality tiger meat.
> >
> > Okay thats just not funny. I can tell you are joking but still I am not trying to be rude so I would appreciate if you were not either.
> >
> > Lib "Tigers are endangred so we have to watch out for them!!" by
> If you got offended by that you're *looking* to get offended. I can't be held responsible for people using what I say to get offended.

Libby, it may be that you as stated in another post are happy and healthy despite being a vegan, but there are some indications that you have lost your sense of humor. At least compared with the standards set by the RinkForum - admittedly quite high. Anyone know which is the humor vitamine?

jul"better put a smiley somewhere after the last paragraph"ian