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Re: I love animals, they're delicious.
Posted By: wintermute, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 23, 2001, at 01:29:40
In Reply To: Re: I love animals, they're delicious. posted by Libby on Tuesday, May 22, 2001, at 19:50:03:

> > Killing for eating it *not* the same thing as murder, and even if it were, that's what we do. We're animals. Animals kill animals. I don't understand how people can not understand that.

> Yes exactly we are animals too so we should respect them. If I killed you and ate you, that wouldn't be okay would it??? But its just an animal killing an animal right?

Here we get into the difference between natural law and human law. There are many people who strongly believe in the death penalty for various crimes. This is a matter of giving people the "right" to kill other people. My personal feelings are that it is wrong to kill another human being for any reason (self defence excepted, if there is no other way to keep yourself alive). Oh, and Jeofrey Dahmer (sp?) seemed to think it was OK to kill and eat humans.

But anyway, that was just an aside. Humans are animals, yes, but we are also beings that can control our own destiny, and can put in place a legal platform that can give them the opportunity to survive.

> > > Money should not be an issue here!! Animals deserve our respect! Murder is murder, there's no way around it.

As has already been said, money is ALWAYS an issue. Some people have money, others don't. From that statment I assume you are lucky enough to be in the former group.

> Animals are peaceful loving creatures that donot engage in the random violence and hatefulness of people! What have YOU ever done to earn MY respect? Nothing but I respect you like I respect all living things!

Hmmm... Do I really need to say it? Tigers and sharks are hardly peaceful and loving. And anyone who ever owned a house cat can tell you about "random violence". Many myths to the contrary, animals do not only kill for food.

> Animals are living creatures that can think and have emotions and have feelings and feel pain (this is why they are different than plants)!!

Again, I think you ascribe too much to animals. One simple example: When it rains, turkeys look up to see where all the water is coming from and drown. In my book, that is not the action of a creature capable of thought.

Emotions is a harder one to quantify, and most people would probably say that only mammals were capable of emotion and feelings. On the other hand, many people will tell you that plants DO have emotions, which is why they talk to them. As to weather or not plants can feel pain, well not in the same way as humans can, but there have been certain studies done that suggest it might be a possibility.

> > > Lib"tiger farm??? Please tell me your jokeing and even if you are you shouldnt joke about things like that"by
> >
> > There's nothing you shouldn't joke about.

Exactly. There are no sacred cows where comedy is involved. It may be bad taste, but everyone ios offended by different things, and I refuse to spend all my time trying to be politically correct.

> Okay thats just not funny. I can tell you are joking but still I am not trying to be rude so I would appreciate if you were not either.
> Lib "Tigers are endangred so we have to watch out for them!!" by

That was my point. In the wild, the only cows that exist are on the endangered list and Turkeys, chickens and sheep simply do not exist. Farming animals for meat is the most effective way of protecting species we've ever had.

And, yes, I do know that it would never work.

Oh, and why are tigers endangered? Because they eat people. I see absolutly nothing wrong in returning the favour, and I imagine they wouldn't either.

winter"we're each entitled to our own opinions."mute

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