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Re: I love animals, they're delicious.
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 23, 2001, at 21:06:54
In Reply To: Re: I love animals, they're delicious. posted by Libby on Wednesday, May 23, 2001, at 20:32:30:

> Okay.... I see that obviously I have offended some people hear or bothered them or somethign... Please there is no reason to be rude to me I'm just trying to express my opinion and trust me if you thought that meat was THE EXACT SAME as human murder then you would probably be emotional too.

Oh, I'm emotional. I'm ridiculously annoyed that you are so adamant about an issue that you are clearly not completely educated on. We've explained to you how hunting animals can actually SAVE animal life in the long run. We've illustrated how your own arguments are inconsistent, for example when you equate humans to animals in one breath, then say how humans are more evolved than animals in another. You can't have it both ways.

Have you ever stepped on a bug on purpose? Slapped a mosquito? Used bacteria-killing disinfectant? It's one thing to believe that we should not kill animals, even for food, (an attitude I still do not buy no matter how many exclamation marks you use or how many times you ignore logical arguments to the contrary) and quite another to equate killing animals for food with human murder, which is an attitude I would call nothing short of traitorous to your species.

However, although the uneducated, closed-mindedness with which you express your opinions is something I find annoying, I am not offended nor upset. My post was meant to be taken more as teasing rather than ridicule, and it was intended to be directed at your posts rather than you as a person.

If you would like to continue to post here, by all means, do so. But no matter how strongly you feel about something, you still have to respect the others on this forum and do your best to consider all sides of the issues presented in threads you wish to participate in.