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Re: I love animals, they're delicious.
Posted By: eric sleator, on host
Date: Tuesday, May 22, 2001, at 21:54:51
In Reply To: Re: I love animals, they're delicious. posted by Libby on Tuesday, May 22, 2001, at 20:06:25:

> Huh? You say that because we have teeth that
> can eat meat we should? We also have guns that
> shoot bullets should we kill people just
> becuase we can? No and so we shouldn't eat
> meat just because we can either.

No, he's not saying that. He's saying that, because we have incisors and other teeth found in carnivorous and omnivorous animals, it is in our biological makeup to eat meat. Guns, on the other hand, were not given to us by nature (or God, or evolution, or however you want to classify it). Your argument is ludicrous.

> No but they dont know any better. Humans are
> more evolved than anmials and we can know the
> difference between murder and not

But not all of us do, as you insist upon calling killing animals for food "murder," which is no more accurate than saying that checking out books from a library is theft. Granted, this is not a perfect analogy, but think about it.

> Also wolves don't heard their prey and keep
> them in cages and stuff like that. Humans do.

So we're morally reprehensible because we're more efficient? If anything, I'd say that we're better hunters, as animals, because we can ensure a steady supply of meat, whereas wolves, if their prey migrates or is too fast for them or if they (the wolves) are injured, starve and die.

> If you want to go out and catch deer with your
> own bare hands then okay that's natural but you
> probably just buy it in the store that is not.

How in the world does that go along with your argument that it's wrong to kill animals? Last time I checked, killing something is killing it, regardless of whether you use your hands out in the wild or lob its head off on a farm. Your argument, based on this paragraph of yours, is that it's OK to eat meat if we kill the animals ourselves and don't use tools, but not if someone else kills the animal?

> What you are talking about is "free range"
> chickens and those are at least better than all
> but it is not the only way. I do not know
> about Canada but in the U.S.A. I know this is
> true. You ask for proof well I read about this
> in a magazine I think it was Time or
> something. My friend (who convinced me to
> become a vegan) has it and if you really want
> it I can get it for you.

This has been responded to in another post. Basically, as Don said, we generally don't eat food coming from "bad" farms. And being published in Time is definitely not proof.

You said something in another post about how it's horrible that we eat eggs before they have a chance to be fertilized and we're MURDERING the poor little chicks. Wrong start to finish. A chicken laying eggs is their way of menstruating. Those are eggs that have passed through and, not being fertilized or used, are being discarded. There is no embryonic chick inside the egg a chicken farmer picks up and sells. It's not a meat product.

Also, responded to the very first post in this thread, Tess, since you're not a vegan, I'd suggest the pancake recipe in the Better Homes and Gardens cookbook (the red and white plaid cookbook). It rules.

-eric "Pancakes" sleator
Tue 22 May A.D. 2001