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Wow, I never noticed how long summer really is...
Posted By: Melanie, on host
Date: Sunday, June 24, 2001, at 16:32:50

Hi. I've been leary of posting since something I wrote got deleted and I wasn't sure why. Lets just say I fear the Wrath of Sam *cower*. But, after an extremely long time of watching the forum without participating, which is not as much fun, and after all the stress of school ended(OH NO, the horror! Free time!) I became incredibly bored. So, at the risk of the Wrath of Sam and possibly posting something which contained the same error I had last time which I am not sure about, I will venture once more into the forum.

Anyone left out there? Me, I'd have stopped reading after the first paragraph, sure this post would be boring. Well, if you stuck around I'll try and make it worth your wile(sic?), but recall that I'm just a 16 year old and my idea of interesting is a bit out of whack.

Well, maybe I will postpone the Really interesting bit for just a second. *Watches as more Rinkies quit reading the message* No give me a minute I swear it will be over quick! Just hang on a minute. The good bit is only a paragraph or so away...

I have a little bit of a selfish reason for posting... I did mention somewhere that summer is really, really long yes? And I know that the people in the forum are very smart, and that they read a lot according to the Reader Poll. For those of you who will post in irritation that there are other forum posts about the same thing that I am asking about which I could refer to instead of bothering you all I have one thing to say: Please, please, please with sugar on top, just one more time for me because I'm so very cute and sweet?

Ahem. Anyway. What I wanted to ask was can anyone recommend any good books to help pass the time a little quicker? I'm running out. It's amazing how fast you run out of books when you are bored. I'm going to list some authors I like and dislike if it helps any nice person out there who is willing to help. You don't have to reply to this part, since it's mostly just my selfish plea for good reading material, but do if you have good suggestions please, please, please do suggest them. I already bothered some people in chat about this :)

Good Authors:
Stephen King, Terry Pratchett, Douglas Adams, Robert Asprin, Anne Rice, Laurell K. Hamilton, Piers Anthony, Terry Goodkind, Terry Brooks, Steven Brust, David Drake, Anne Bishop, J.R.R Tolkien(Duh, because if you hadn't noticed my taste runs to fantasy), Death Cycle books by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, Roger Zelazny, Patricia Mckillip, J.K Rowling, Phillip Pullman and others I can't think of.

Bad authors:
Robert Jordan, Raymond E. Feist, Dragonlance books by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, anything with King Arthur in it, Frank Herbert, and a few others.

Okay, now I'll try and be interesting to make up for the selfish book beggery. Hmmmm. This is very hard. I don't know how Dave and Sam and Brunnen-G do it... *Thinks* Well, I could tell all you Rinkies about the graduation at my school. I dunno if you would care, but the Valedictorian gave a really great speech. I knew him the whole year, and he was a really awesome guy. Very smart, and sort of cute *blush*... but anyway, he did a really great speech. It was all about this race of aliens which he invented with a friend of his who I also know. He talked about how fun it was to have his own race of space aliens, and then he talked about how fun it was to write a song for band which got played in front of everyone. The whole point of why this was cool was that he didn't mention the future of the graduating class at all. He just talked about the cool things in his life and ended it by saying that he liked pickles. It was one of the least boring Valedictorian speeches I have had to listen to in years. Does anyone else think people get too involved in graduation speeches a lot and make them overly boring? If not I guess that you probably wouldn't understand why his speech was very funny and actually worth talking about...

Now that I've exhausted that topic... Hmmm. Okay, here goes. Umm. Anyone want to see me pull a rabbit out of my hat? *Looks for a hat* Er.. Well maybe my sleeve or something? *Looks for a rabbit* Er, well scrap that then. Anyone want to see a card trick? *Searches for cards* Sigghhh. Okay, I give up. I am not interesting. I just am not. I have failed to make this post interesting. I'm sorry I made all of you people hope that it would get interesting only for this. Well, you can stop reading now. If you like you can post about the books... Erm.

Mel"Not very interesting, but really bored. Could use a good book to shut her up *hint, hint*"anie

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