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Re: Cute and sweet
Posted By: koalamom, on host
Date: Sunday, June 24, 2001, at 23:19:18
In Reply To: Re: Cute and sweet posted by Jezzika on Sunday, June 24, 2001, at 21:57:15:

> Oh, for crying out loud.
> When I read Melanie's post, I saw the "cute and sweet" comment as a JOKE. As someone who is trying to be funny so that the regulars will be interested in what she's writing.

If I may respond since, uh, I feel sort of responsible for this...

I think we knew she was being funny; the point was that it's a great subject and she didn't have to plead or cajole or be funny for a response.

It's like serving a fine wine out of a styrofoam somehow devalues it.

Plus, Melanie seems genuinely puzzled as to why her posts seem to get deleted. What she needs is feedback so she can get the feel for what works and what doesn't. It's nothing personal, and certainly wasn't meant to be offensive.

> I'm sure Melanie feels real welcome now.

Sorry, Melanie, if that's how you're feeling.
We're not trying to pick on you, honest :-)

koala"still interested in hearing what everyone's reading"mom

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