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Re: Wow, I never noticed how long summer really is...
Posted By: Philbee, on host
Date: Tuesday, June 26, 2001, at 12:06:23
In Reply To: Re: Wow, I never noticed how long summer really is... posted by Fuzzpilz on Monday, June 25, 2001, at 14:14:33:

> I haven't heard about books being manipulated for the American market before; to what extent does that happen? I think it's a terrible thing to do to debase a good author's works that way. I suppose I've read the original British versions of the Harry Potter books, since there would be no point in shipping them from the US.

The Harry Potter books got changed a bit for the US market, you know, changing "lift" to "elevator" and stuff like that. It wasn't much, but surely it isn't too hard to understand basic Britishisms? I'm pretty sure American boks aren't Britishised, as a rule.

Phil-"Ah well, shouldn't get too disgruntled"-bee

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