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Re: Cute and sweet
Posted By: Brunnen-G, on host
Date: Sunday, June 24, 2001, at 20:07:52
In Reply To: Re: Wow, I never noticed how long summer really is... posted by koalamom on Sunday, June 24, 2001, at 19:47:14:

> Please take this in the spirit it's intended, but for the record, I'm not responding to your post because 1) I'm particularly smart or 2) you're so very cute and sweet. Maybe we both are, but I don't need to be flattered, or appealed to on the basis of "cuteness" to talk about books!

I agree. Deliberately trying to be cute and sweet is insanely irritating, even when it's for a valid reason. (On the offchance that there ever IS a valid reason. What it might be escapes me.)

Cute and sweet is like cool. Maybe you are and maybe you're not. I don't know. But if you're trying to be, on purpose, you absolutely definitely 100% are not.

Have a little pride in yourself. You had a valid question in there to post about, one that plenty of people find interesting and want to reply to. So have a bit of dignity and self-confidence, and just step right up and ask it. You don't need six paragraphs of irrelevant fluff and apology and trying to be cute to make people listen to you. Just say what you have to say. A person who has quiet confidence in themself is worth approximately six billion helpless gigglers who think they're being "cute".

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