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Cravings. What makes them?
Posted By: twistinside, on host
Date: Monday, June 25, 2001, at 19:06:41

This morning I found my self at work with a craving for shortbread. Now this struck me as very odd because I really don't like shortbread. I sat in my office trying to over come this craving. I tried coffee, toast and pretty much anything I could find at work, but nothing worked. Finally I got up and walked to the nearest supermarket. I looked for the biggest box of shortbread I could find and quickly purchased it. I don't know how much shortbread normally costs, but it seemed quite pricey. After getting back to work I made yet another coffee and opened the box.

One bite.

I managed one bite then the craving left. I looked down at all the shortbread and all my sanity came flooding back. I really don't enjoy eating this. I choked down the bite and drank my mug of coffee. After offering the shortbread around the office a total of 3 people took a piece.

I was just wondering what makes a craving, if anyone knows. Or if there are some "crazy" cravings you get.

Twist"anyone looking for cheap shortbread"inside

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