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Re: Cravings. What makes them?
Posted By: Tess, on host
Date: Thursday, June 28, 2001, at 03:03:07
In Reply To: Re: Cravings. What makes them? posted by Sosiqui on Tuesday, June 26, 2001, at 11:18:32:

> > Me: " EAT ketchup? By ITSELF?"
> >
> > Him: "Yeah, it's good."
> >
> He will eat spoonfuls of it by itself. The only way he gets mustard is if his dinner involves some finger food that he can dip in it, but even then he will not dip the finger food just so he can eat the mustard by itself.
> I can use a dab of mustard as a reward for finishing his dinner. It's really weird, but... whatever...

I am like that crazy little kid..I get fries just as an excuse to eat mayonaise, I dip them in plain. People think I'm crazy, and get very disgusted by it, but I think it's the most delicious thing in the world! I don't constantly crave it or anything, but if I'm in a situation where I have my choice of condiments (which is very frequently), I go strait for they mayo--on onion rings, fries, fingers, etc. Good thing I don't have a babysitter who could use this information to control me. . .

I also like vinegar, too...on brocolli (is there anyone else in the world who puts vinegar on their brocolli and spinach?), sandwiches, and I'll even drink it. It's hardly something I crave, though, just something I enjoy. Reading this thread, though, I noticed people didn't like it, and I could hardly believe it. It's something that I've been raised with, and enjoy on regular basis (though, not as much as the mayo ;) I guess I've never really thought about it, though. . .

Tess, the mayo and vinegar wonder

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