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Re: The Universe as a Program: An Omniscient God and Free Will
Posted By: ChrisA, on host
Date: Sunday, January 19, 2003, at 15:59:53
In Reply To: Re: The Universe as a Program: An Omniscient God and Free Will posted by Stephen on Sunday, January 19, 2003, at 11:55:19:

> The problem with that analogy is, within the context of my original post, it doesn't address the question: why is there any reason for evil to exist at all?

The problem of evil is a major one for anyone assuming that God is in total control, just guiding the universe along to His chosen ending. As you said in your original post, this eliminates free will. However the God of the Bible did *not* eliminate free will - He wanted creatures who would love Him willingly.

Humans *do* have free will. Adam and Eve, in the Garden of Eden, had free will and chose to eat the fruit, thus causing separation from God. Jesus Christ, facing the cross, had free will and chose to obey the Father's will - to sacrifice Himself as atonement for our sins. We have free will and can choose to follow Christ or not follow Him. Everyone throughout the history of the world has had choices every day of his life - yea though they be as simple as "Left foot first or right foot first?" or as complex as diplomacy or business plans (or worse ) - and all have made these decisions.

God knows what's happening, what has happened, what will happen - and what might have happened, though we aren't told that - and He can interfere in the operation of the universe. Some of God's interferances are referred to as miracles; others are simply "remarkable coincidences" or incredible timing. Free will in humans does not remove God's knowledge or power; and because He has perfect knowledge, we cannot stump him. We can't "make the decision He thinks we won't make" - because He knows what we're thinking.

Hope this is of assistance. By the way, in case you haven't guessed, I'm a Christian, and wish to discuss objectively both sides of the argument.


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