Don't have time to read it all?
Let's face it. There's a lot of science fiction
and fantasy out there and very little time to read it in.
Well sit back and relax, because your troubles are solved! We here at
Book-A-Minute SF/F have come up with a
solution. We've taken several great speculative fiction novels and extracted
the important stuff, cutting out all the filler. (You'd be surprised how much
filler there is sometimes.) With our ultra-condensed
versions of your favorite speculative fiction, you can read entire books --
entire series, even -- in just one minute! You can have your books and
read them too! And it costs nothing!
"That's nice," you say, "but I don't believe you." Yah hah, skeptical soul!
We've got our collection of ultra-condensed books right here! We've got
everything from Tolkien to Dragonlance! See for yourself!
The Ultra-Condensed SF/F Books
Latest additions: 4/25/12
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