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Re: Life, the Universe and Everything (addition)
Posted By: Brunnen-G, on host
Date: Tuesday, April 15, 2003, at 20:00:35
In Reply To: Re: Life, the Universe and Everything posted by Brunnen-G on Tuesday, April 15, 2003, at 19:57:07:

> > What is really the meaning of life? Why are we here?
> Second question: By chance.
> First question: There isn't one.
> Throughout history, people have come up with many excellent life purposes and goals for themselves and others. To live without doing this to some extent, at least for oneself, would be ridiculous. But given my answer to the second question, I don't believe it makes any sense to believe there is an ultimate meaning/purpose to life which we are supposed to discover.

I should have added this -- asking "What is the meaning of life?" IS a religious question and can never be anything else. The question assumes that life, and particularly human life, is here for a purpose. Asking for non-religious answers to a religious question just isn't something that can be done.

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