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Re: Unpatriotic Draftdodgers
Posted By: Brunnen-G, on host
Date: Tuesday, July 2, 2002, at 19:35:40
In Reply To: Unpatriotic Draftdogers posted by Gortman64 on Tuesday, July 2, 2002, at 08:57:32:

> I suggested the current poll question. I expected about at least 50 percent of the people to have enlisted or been drafted. I was *extremely* surprised when I saw 60% had never joined because they didn't want to. I myself plan to join the Marines or Army, and my father was two months away from Vietnam. I was just wondering why some of you people weren't interested. Was it a personal situation or was it you did't want any personal risk?

As many of the other replies have already indicated, your question seems to come from a very odd viewpoint. Unless you're from a country which has compulsory military training, why on earth do you expect 50% of us here to have been in the military? I wouldn't even expect 50% of *men* to have been in the military, unless you pick your sample from those old enough to have been of military age during a major war.

I was always interested in the military, and went as far as interviews with Territorials recruiters while I was at university, but in the end I had other priorities in my life at that time.

Since you mention patriotism in your subject line, here is my answer to that. I am 30 and my country (New Zealand) has never even been close to being in a situation, during my adult life, where it would have needed me as a soldier. If the worst came to the worst and we got involved in something like WW2 again, yes, I probably would join up. This is because I think (rightly or wrongly) that I have the sort of personality that would make me useful in the military; I doubt very much that we'd ever be involved in a war huge enough that it became necessary to draft women as well as men, so yes, my reasons there are entirely patriotic.

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