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Going to the Movies
Posted By: Ferrick, on host
Date: Tuesday, May 8, 2001, at 21:54:46

I'm wondering why such a high percentage of people who never go to the movies by themselves. Some that popped into my head on why you might not go alone:

--It is a popular movie and you've been planning to go with friends for a while.
--You don't have a way to get to the movies unless someone takes you.
--Someone asks you to go along with them (dates fall into this category).
--Your significant other will maim you if you see this movie without them.

But these are reasons why you might not go to one movie alone. What reasons would you have for NEVER going by yourself? Do you feel insecure? If so, is it only at movies that you feel insecure about being in public alone?

Personally, I like going to movies with other people, particularly my wife. However, sometimes I want to see a movie that she doesn't and no one else is free to go with me. Or I just want to see a movie with minimal distractions so I can think about it more.

Two possible threads that I think can come out of this: Do you ever watch videos alone? Is there a specific genre of movie that you hate to see alone?

Fer"I don't like watching comedies by myself unless I've already seen them"rick

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