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Re: Going to the Movies
Posted By: Brunnen-G, on host
Date: Thursday, May 10, 2001, at 16:11:08
In Reply To: Going to the Movies posted by Ferrick on Tuesday, May 8, 2001, at 21:54:46:

> > Personally, I like going to movies with other people, particularly my wife. However, sometimes I want to see a movie that she doesn't and no one else is free to go with me. Or I just want to see a movie with minimal distractions so I can think about it more.
> Two possible threads that I think can come out of this: Do you ever watch videos alone? Is there a specific genre of movie that you hate to see alone?

I sometimes go to a movie alone when my boyfriend's away, if there's one I want to see and I know he probably wouldn't. I used to go to movies alone all the time when I was single, but I'd feel bad about being out by myself instead of spending the time with him, just for the sake of seeing a movie which we could get on video anyway.

One of the best things about seeing movies with other people is being able to talk about it afterwards, but this only works if you both have similar feelings about the movie. I can't imagine anything worse than coming out of a movie where one of you wants to rave about how it was the most ravishing, uplifting experience of the past five years, and the other is thinking, "Urg, it was OK, I guess." For example, I would have been devastated if my boyfriend hadn't shared my reaction to "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon." It was bad enough hearing my mother say she hadn't found it all that interesting, after I had begged everybody I knew to go and see it for the good of their immortal souls.

I made an exception for "Princess Mononoke", which was playing at a film festival during the middle of the day. I could easily change my working hours for that but he couldn't. I went to it by myself anyway, because I had heard it was good and I couldn't stand to miss it on the big screen. I adore that movie. It surfaced again last night for a one-night screening at an independent theatre near us, and we both went.

The other reason is that, on the odd occasions that I especially want to see a particular movie and he doesn't, there's usually a very good reason for that, i.e. the movie is a piece of crap. He has way better taste in movies than me. This brings me to the second question -- videos. You either find bad movies funny, or you don't, and I don't think there's any way of changing which side of the fence you're on. If you checked the dates of all my IABBBBM reviews against a calendar, I think you'd find 95% of them coincided suspiciously with a night my boyfriend was away.

Brunnen-"we saw Night of the Lepus together, though, and that was great"G

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