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Going to the Movies Alone
Posted By: Jezzika, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 9, 2001, at 08:53:25
In Reply To: Going to the Movies posted by Ferrick on Tuesday, May 8, 2001, at 21:54:46:

> But these are reasons why you might not go to one movie alone. What reasons would you have for NEVER going by yourself? Do you feel insecure? If so, is it only at movies that you feel insecure about being in public alone?

I go plenty of places by myself---to movies, to restaurants, etc. It's fun because I can lose myself in my thoughts and not neglect anyone. I'm pretty insecure, but not about this...some people think alone=loser, but those people are not the type I'm interested in impressing.

Some movies demand a group, however. When "Grease" was re-released in theaters a few years ago, I went with a big group of people. Of course, everyone in the theater knew the script verbatim, including me. So *everybody* was talking and singing along and shouting out the cheesy jokes. It was extremely dorky, but it was a blast.

I like going to movies with my boyfriend because we keep a running (whispered) commentary, a la MST3K. We're both quick to spot cliches and love making snarky comments about them. We can only do this together, since wiseguy remarks tend to annoy other people. :)

> Two possible threads that I think can come out of this: Do you ever watch videos alone? Is there a specific genre of movie that you hate to see alone?

Well, I *have* to watch anime videos alone, all my friends hate Japanimation!

What I hate, however, is when I'm watching a video with people and a sex scene is on. Even though I'm not a kid anymore, I still blush and feel silly watching. Alone, I just think "Big deal, another sex scene," but with other people around, I get horribly embarassed. Especially if the other person is related to me.

Another note on going to the movies alone: My father never liked it when I went to see films alone. He was afraid that strange men would sit next to me and would try something in the dark. My mom would argue that I could take care of myself.


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