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Re: Going to the Movies
Posted By: ria, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 9, 2001, at 09:15:23
In Reply To: Going to the Movies posted by Ferrick on Tuesday, May 8, 2001, at 21:54:46:

First of all, like Jezzika and dingdong, I am a big talker when a person watches movies with me. My comments may not be the wittiest, but they worm their way out of my mouth anyway. However, I still do keep respect for others in the theater / on the couch, and I keep quiet during 99% of the movie. I usually only talk if I know there's a joke that everyone's going to get and kill me for or if I don't understand a certain part :-)

One thing I can't stand, though, is people who talk incessantly throughout the movie. You'd figure that if they wanted talking time, they'd find a bench in a park and make all the noise they wanted, right? No, of course not! These people sit *right* behind you (it's the tall people who sit in front of you) and talk your ears off during the entire film. Gah.

> --It is a popular movie and you've been planning to go with friends for a while.

I don't really care about if it's popular or not- it depends on whether I want to see it. I went to go see the (newer) That Darn Cat with my mother, and there was no one else in the theatre. Talk about kick-back and freedom to talk- there was no one else to bother (except Mom, but she's as bad as I am).

> --You don't have a way to get to the movies unless someone takes you.

That's me, right there! Of course, Mom would probably be happy just to drop me off, but that leaves me feeling a bit, ah, stranded. I don't like being places with no way to get home.

> --Someone asks you to go along with them (dates fall into this category).

Dates? Not me. For me, it's birthday parties. This year, my own birthday party was spent at a bowling alley, but my friend's birthday (the same friend who had recent surgery on her knee, so this was a special treat) was spent with twenty other school friends at the theater. Now *that* was fun :-)

> --Your significant other will maim you if you see this movie without them.

More like if you force anyone else to watch it with you, LOL. For example, I like most Disney and other such "kiddie" movies, but hate all the scary, serious, or sad movies. (Example: The Mummy- bugs crawling up people's skin is not myidea of entertainment. Yeesh!) For most other people I know, it's the other way around. That calls for conflict (and watching my Disney videos at home, alone!).

> But these are reasons why you might not go to one movie alone. What reasons would you have for NEVER going by yourself? Do you feel insecure? If so, is it only at movies that you feel insecure about being in public alone?

Probably my biggest part of (almost) never going to the movies alone is that I don't deem (most) new movies worth going to. Usually, when I do go to a movie with friends, it's one that I end up liking. However, I still like to stick with the kiddie stuff and wait for it to come out on video.

> Two possible threads that I think can come out of this: Do you ever watch videos alone? Is there a specific genre of movie that you hate to see alone?

If I hate to see a specific genre alone, then I hate to see it at all :-) Mainly, that's anything bloody, gorey, or extremely scary.
As for watching videos alone, I do it all the time! In fact, I just paused "The Phantom Menace" to come see if the Forum was working again. (Yes, I'm that much addicted to my computer. I cannot be cured.)

ri "Going back to The Phantom Menace now :-)" a

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