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Generation Gap
Posted By: Sosiqui, on host
Date: Tuesday, April 10, 2001, at 18:27:33

Sure, everyone's heard of a generation gap - but I have one in my OWN generation. And I hate it... well, hate is a bit too strong of a word. I dislike it.

I often feel very lonely on campus, especially on Tuesdays and Thursdays, when I am on campus from 10:30 am until 9:00 pm. Now, I already have friends, but none of them are in my major, and none of them have schedules that are anywhere close to my own. And I have the hardest time making new friends... and not just because of my shy nature. I'm just so different.

I don't watch TV (except for MST3K and other random shows that are not 'popular', and therefore don't matter). I play computer games, but I don't think Half-Life is the 733test game out there. I don't listen to mainstream music - I prefer classical, with some Christian music and jazz mixed in. I don't have a car or even have my license yet. (Long story.) I don't drink, don't party. I live at home, and I LIKE it. (Even if the absurd rent here wasn't an issue, I'd still live there. My family rules.) I don't go to see movies very often, and when I do, they're not the 'cool' ones. My idea of a good date would be a nature walk or something, not going to a movie, and with absolutely nothing beyond hugging. Even if I had ever dated, which I haven't.

Basically, I am so out of pop culture that there are never any conversation topics beyond the norm - "What's your major?" "How are your classes?" and the like that take about 2 minutes to get through. I feel like a very uninteresting person, even though I know that isn't true. I just have different interests. But all that seems to lead to is a "talk to you later" from the other person, and of course they never DO talk to me later. It drives me up the wall. Am I THAT much of an oddball?

That's one of the reasons why I came to RinkChat in the first place - to help escape the loneliness. And it DOES help. You all RULE. :) But I'm wondering - do any of you ever feel like this?

Sosi"sorry for the abrupt ending, but I just realized I'm a tad late for class. ACK!"qui

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