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Re: Generation Gap
Posted By: Kaz!, on host
Date: Wednesday, April 11, 2001, at 22:26:24
In Reply To: Generation Gap posted by Sosiqui on Tuesday, April 10, 2001, at 18:27:33:

Strangely enough, I don't feel like I have my own little generation gap, even though I think I'm quite similar to you. I don't watch any TV, except sometimes something on the Discovery channel or TLC, my favourite music files are non-vocal -- some of them would fall into the 'classical' catagory, some into the 'spiritual' catagory, and others into the 'nature' catagory --, and my favourite games are adventure and roleplaying games, like Legacy of Time, Zork Grand Inquisitor (though that one is a bit easy), and Chronotrigger. Also, like you, I don't drink, party, date, or even see movies more then perhaps two per year (with the exception of those that somtimes play on regular TV stations). As for pop culture.....I'm probably more out of it then you are. Just trust me on that one.

Now comes the odd part. Almost everyone that I am currently friends with are pretty much the same way. This might have to do with the fact that my school has a reputation for being "The loser school for all the nerdy people", but I still like it. After all, it also has a reputation for academic success. Either way though, I think it's pretty nice to be around people who you know won't try to pressure you into doing drugs or driving like a maniac or having sex or any of that. It's also nice to know that, in our entire school, there is exactly one person who smokes....and he's a teacher.

Because of this 'super non-cool school', I tend to have some very interesting conversations. Most of them revolve around school life, like "How do you do this question", but occasionally there are some interesting discussions about Life, the Universe, and, well, everything. Not only that, the discussion doesn't tend to degrade that much, and other people sometimes join in with interesting points. Once it's all over, everyone seems to learn something new. It's like another Rinkworks at school! Well, except that I get a ton of homework to do at school.....which is why I'm not around here too much these days.....

However, before I came to the school that I'm currently in, I felt pretty much the same way that I think you feel now. Of course, I didn't really care to be all that popular. I figured that what an ignorant bunch of immature guys thought of me was irrelevant. At first it's pretty lonely....but you eventually find people like yourself, and those are the friendships that really last. After all, a real friend won't try to make you do something that could have the effect of shortening your lifespan by a fair chunk.

-Ka"Oh my I seemed to have rambled off topic again"z!