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Re: Generation Gap
Posted By: ria, on host
Date: Wednesday, April 11, 2001, at 09:20:03
In Reply To: Generation Gap posted by Sosiqui on Tuesday, April 10, 2001, at 18:27:33:

> Now, I already have friends, but none of them are in my major, and none of them have schedules that are anywhere close to my own.

Being on a high school campus, I don't have quite the problem you do, but my problem isn't not being around my friends, it's not feelign connected with them. I have a great set of Christian friends, but sometimes my relationship with them just feels so.. shallow. They're Christian, they have a strong set of morals, they're everything I'd like them to be, but I just feel like they don't think the same way I do.

> I don't watch TV (except for MST3K and other random shows that are not 'popular', and therefore don't matter). I play computer games, but I don't think Half-Life is the 733test game out there.

That's me, all the way, except for the fact that I watch Ed every Wednesday (I just can't resist ;-D). As for computer games, well- let's jsut say Legacy of Time still rules, and I'm starting to get into FF8 (which is on a PSX, not a computer, but oh well), and I'm sure I'll enjoy FF9 after I finish FF8. (Sorry, Sosi- LoT is still BETTER in my eyes, but I like these too ;))

> I don't listen to mainstream music - I prefer classical, with some Christian music and jazz mixed in.

Same problem. "You listen to CHRISTIAN music?" and the typical disgusted face in response. I try to respond by telling them that it all isn't church music (though I have nothing against that!), that you can find any secular BEAT with a Christian message, etc. but they still look at me weirdly. Oh well.

> I don't have a car or even have my license yet. (Long story.) I don't drink, don't party. I live at home, and I LIKE it. (Even if the absurd rent here wasn't an issue, I'd still live there. My family rules.) I don't go to see movies very often, and when I do, they're not the 'cool' ones.

Yeah, and similarly, I don't go out with "friends" often either. Parties? Birthday parties, sure, but thsoe are usually sleepovers (oh, the last bit of innocence in being a teenager!). But I don't go shopping with my friends or to the movies with my friends or anything like that. I just don't enjoy it; I feel like I have to keep up a happy face all the time.

> My idea of a good date would be a nature walk or something, not going to a movie, and with absolutely nothing beyond hugging. Even if I had ever dated, which I haven't.

Don't worry about not dating. That's all I'm going to say on the subject, otherwise I'd be rambling on for hours ;-)

> Basically, I am so out of pop culture that there are never any conversation topics beyond the norm - "What's your major?" "How are your classes?" and the like that take about 2 minutes to get through.

Conversation shmonversation. All conversation in my and any neighboring generations of mine is about anyway is the opposite sex. "Did you go out with him?" "Ohhh, he's so HOT!" "Did you see that girl's..." etc. So don't worry about being involved in conversation. No one wants to get involved in the deep kind anyway. Too much work for them.

> I feel like a very uninteresting person, even though I know that isn't true.

You'd better know that's not true, or else I'd take LoT and all your MST3K eppies away :-)

> I just have different interests. But all that seems to lead to is a "talk to you later" from the other person, and of course they never DO talk to me later. It drives me up the wall. Am I THAT much of an oddball?

No, you're just our little Sosi. And we don't want you to change. You might not fit in with the normal, but take a good, long look at the "normal" and tell me if you want to fit in with it. Sex, death, perverted.. actions, inverted morals, drugs, alchohol.. Do you REALLY want to fit in with all that? I don't think you do.

> That's one of the reasons why I came to RinkChat in the first place - to help escape the loneliness. And it DOES help. You all RULE. :) But I'm wondering - do any of you ever feel like this?

See above and above and above... :-)

And to respond to one thing from MM:

> For me, when I was in college, that meant getting involved in a Bible study with the local Campus Crusade for Christ chapter. Although my busy schedule kept me from forming any lasting relationships there, I always felt welcome and in touch with the people I met there.

For me, the "Christian" club at school doesn't act very Christian. They troop into a dimly lit room every Wednesday at lunch and talk about how they need to improve. The one thing they've done to "improve" was a four-week fast from various things- food, media, etc.- but that was all done hidden away in the choir room where no one could witness the changes that were supposed to happen. I realize we're supposed to fellowship with other Christians, but are we supposed to also hide away from non-believers, scraed to offend them? I've found that doing a separate Bible study was more fulfilling (though that fell apart because one of the two guys running it quit because his girlfriend wanted him to). Occasionally, one of my friends will bring out their Bible and we'll pass it around for verse reading. Somehow, I enjoy that more than the organized, follow-me-in-worship thing. Worship is fine. Following someone I don't feel connected to isn't, at least with me.. not in the way they were doing it.

And that ends my rant. Sosi, I realize this probably didn't *help* you much, but at least you know there are people out there with similar situations.

ri "ramble ramble ramble!" a

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