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Re: Is it Christmas yet?
Posted By: Darien, on host
Date: Tuesday, March 2, 1999, at 15:26:41
In Reply To: Re: Is it Christmas yet? posted by Issachar on Tuesday, March 2, 1999, at 14:11:51:

> I was much more a "Transformers", "Galaxy Rangers" and "Voltron" kid.

I loved Voltron and the Transformers, though I was never much for the Galaxy Rangers. I was also rather partial to the Go-Bots and Tranzor Z.

> In any given episode of Voltron, the following events happen:

Did you ever see the pilot? The two-hour-or-what-have-you movie that they adapted the show from? It had a strikingly different plot. And, rather than the princess, there was a guy named Sven in the blue lion! How can you do better than a guy named Sven?

Oh - waitaminute... I think, in retrospect, Sven stuck around, but just changed lions. Yeah, that's right, he took the red lion 'cause Keith grabbed the black one after they got the key back from the mice. Sven was still cool, though. And why they didn't just put the princess in the red lion and try to match the uniform colors, I'll never know.

Ever notice how all the characters except Keith are unusual in some respect? I mean, Keith is your typical space cowboy, but the others... first, you have your token female. After that, your token swede. Then you have your token fat guy, and your token midget. I don't remember what my point was.

I have been referred to as a "token midget" myself, before...

Dar "Say, Iss, what do you think of He-Man?" ien

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