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Posted By: extirpator, on host
Date: Wednesday, March 3, 1999, at 08:27:19
In Reply To: Re: Is it Christmas yet? posted by Issachar on Wednesday, March 3, 1999, at 07:22:01:

> > > Iss "how 'bout ThunderCats? Ever watch that?" achar
> >
> > Thunder, Thunder, Thunder... Thundercats, HO!!
> >
> > Okay, now that that's out of my system...
> >
> > MASK was, indeed, cool. Not Transformers, mind you, but vehicles that became other vehicles. Kind of weird.
> >
> > Transformers was the best. Before the movie, anyway. After the movie is got kinda freaky. But before the movie (when it was still Optimus Prime against Megatron) it was fantastic. Especially Soundwave. He had the *coolest* voice.
> >
> > These days, I still watch animated programs. Like the PowerPuff Girls. The New Batman/Superman Adventures. Batman Beyond (especially that one). Among others.
> >
> > Oh great. Now I've got the He-Man theme music stuck in my head... ::Groan::
> >
> > Di "And knowing is half the battle" ane
> Geez, you are the coolest. :-)
> My friends and I used to try to imitate SoundWave's voice, although being pre-pubescent boys, we weren't all that good at it. However, I did find a way to pretty closely simulate the "transform" noise, which my geeky junior high pals found endlessly impressive. And you're right--Megatron was definitely better and more interesting than the lunatic Galvatron that he became after the movie.
> In college, I really dug Batman: The Animated Series. I've only seen one episode of the Batman/Superman series, and it wasn't bad. I haven't seen or even heard of Batman Beyond. What's that like?
> There's just no time to watch cartoons anymore, it seems, but when I can, just about my favorite (other than the Simpsons, which I haven't seen in aeons) is classic Bugs Bunny. I didn't even understand half the humor in those toons when I saw them as a kid, and they just get better and better with age.
> Iss "how about 'Spiderman and his Amazing Friends?'" achar

this thread is long. it takes up a lot of room on my screen.

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