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Re: Is it Christmas yet?
Posted By: Darien, on host
Date: Wednesday, March 3, 1999, at 11:10:17
In Reply To: Re: Is it Christmas yet? posted by Diane on Wednesday, March 3, 1999, at 09:27:20:

> > > > Iss "how 'bout ThunderCats? Ever watch that?" achar
> > >
> > > Thunder, Thunder, Thunder... Thundercats, HO!!

What on earth was the main Thundercat's *name*? I can remember Cheetara and Puma and all the others, but not the main guy!

> > > Transformers was the best. Before the movie, anyway. After the movie is got kinda freaky. But before the movie (when it was still Optimus Prime against Megatron) it was fantastic. Especially Soundwave. He had the *coolest* voice.

Soundwave was always a favorite of mine. right up there with Ratchet. But my favorite, and I cannot remember his name to save my life, was this little brown guy who turned into wither a jeep or a tank - I don't recall which. Next time I'm home I'll have to watch my "Transformers" tapes and find out which one I'm talking about!

> > > These days, I still watch animated programs. Like the PowerPuff Girls. The New Batman/Superman Adventures. Batman Beyond (especially that one). Among others.

I have to lean on Johnny Bravo. That is absolutely the funniest show... and I like Space Ghost: Coast to Coast as well. But you know what recent cartoon I was really big on? That "Conan" cartoon from a few years back (oh, wow, now that I think about it, that was probably six or seven years back! Where did the time go?)...

> > > Oh great. Now I've got the He-Man theme music stuck in my head... ::Groan::

Thanks a lot. Now I do, too. :-}

> > My friends and I used to try to imitate SoundWave's voice, although being pre-pubescent boys, we weren't all that good at it. However, I did find a way to pretty closely simulate the "transform" noise, which my geeky junior high pals found endlessly impressive. And you're right--Megatron was definitely better and more interesting than the lunatic Galvatron that he became after the movie.

I think the transformers movie was responsible for a lot of childhood trauma for me. That first scene where *everybody* dies scarred me forever... do you know what the first movie I cried at was? Old Yeller. The second? The Transformers. When they killed Optimus Prime (who was *supposedly* indestructable anyway), I just lost it completely.

And lest we forget: gotta love The Tick. :-}

> Di "Insert witty comment here" ane

Dar "Witty Comment dispenser broken; sorry for the inconvenience" ien

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