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Re: Is it Christmas yet?
Posted By: Issachar, on host
Date: Wednesday, March 3, 1999, at 05:27:36
In Reply To: Re: Is it Christmas yet? posted by Darien on Tuesday, March 2, 1999, at 16:42:39:

> I know - I saw that one first, and burst out laughing (not a good thing, since I'm in the campus computer center...). Being a bit younger than you, I often forget details about these shows (like what on *earth* Aphrodite A's name actualy was...), so this conversation is really, really cool. I get to reminisce (now I know I'm getting old)! :-}!

Maybe just a little bit younger, but not much, I'd bet. I mean, I only graduated college in 1994, and since I was in school yet again after that until last year, I feel like a perpetual student.

> Another favorite of mine was MASK (I don't remember if there were asterisks between the letters, or if I'm just confusing it with M*A*S*H). There weren't giant robots, but there were army guys with laser tanks. That was pretty cool. The primary reason I created a "laser tank" unit for Civilization II, in fact. I still remember the theme song, actually (well, the tune, anyway; I don't know that I *ever* figured out what the lyrics were...)

Oh, yes...MASK. Mobile Armored Strike Kommand. Another fave. The enemy was VENOM: Vicious Evil Network Of Mayhem. Everything in cartoons like that has to have an acronym, of course. My friends and I had plenty of MASK toys.

> Okay. In the meantime, I think I'll go off about She-Ra, princess of power. This was the first time in my entire life that it actually struck me how lame political corectness can be. I was like two days old at the time. I remember thinking, mostly, "why?" I mean, there wasn't anything here that didn't fit in to He-Man's business (not that I had a huge demand for He-Man, even though Orco was pretty cool, and Man-at-Arms was "da bomb"), but, for some reason... sorry. I had a point, but I got interrupted halfway through this message and lost my thought completely. But I'll still post this in the hope that it comes back to me and I can fill it in later.

Man-At-Arms was indeed da bomb, but most of the characters in He-Man were just silly. I love how in each and every episode, Prince Adam, Teela, Orco, Cringer and possibly one or two other good guys would be getting cornered by BeastMan and MerMan and company, and Adam yells out, "I'll go find He-Man!!!" He then runs a few yards away and ducks behind the nearest large rock (those things must have littered the landscape on that world). Flashes of light emerge from behind the rock, and He-Man jumps out and proceeds to stomp all over the opposition. If Lois Lane was dumb for never connecting Clark Kent with Superman, Prince Adam's friends make her look like a super-sleuth.

Iss "how 'bout ThunderCats? Ever watch that?" achar

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