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Re: Is it Christmas yet?
Posted By: Issachar, on host
Date: Wednesday, March 3, 1999, at 11:41:39
In Reply To: Re: Is it Christmas yet? posted by Darien on Wednesday, March 3, 1999, at 11:10:17:

> What on earth was the main Thundercat's *name*? I can remember Cheetara and Puma and all the others, but not the main guy!

Why, it was "Lion-O", of course. The others, as far as I can remember, were Cheetara, Panthro, Tigra, Kit and Kat, Snarf, and later on Bengali. It's the villains I have trouble remembering: Mumm-Ra, Vulture-man and Jackal-man are all that come to mind.

> Soundwave was always a favorite of mine. right up there with Ratchet. But my favorite, and I cannot remember his name to save my life, was this little brown guy who turned into wither a jeep or a tank - I don't recall which. Next time I'm home I'll have to watch my "Transformers" tapes and find out which one I'm talking about!

I think the one you're describing is "Brawn", who was a jeep. "Warpath" was a tank, and a certifiable wacko besides, but he was some magenta color rather than brown. We need to see more magenta tanks on TV, I think.

> I think the transformers movie was responsible for a lot of childhood trauma for me. That first scene where *everybody* dies scarred me forever... do you know what the first movie I cried at was? Old Yeller. The second? The Transformers. When they killed Optimus Prime (who was *supposedly* indestructable anyway), I just lost it completely.

I have a confession to make. As much as I dug the Transformers, I never once saw the movie. I have no idea why; I always planned to, but just never did. Not that it matters a whole lot; I know everything that happened in it anyway, and there's no way I'm going to walk into the video store and rent it now, unless I can get a small child to come with me and pretend it's for him. Or maybe Darien. ;-)

> > Di "Insert witty comment here" ane
> Dar "Witty Comment dispenser broken; sorry for the inconvenience" ien

Iss "You liar!" achar

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