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Re: Is it Christmas yet?
Posted By: Darien, on host
Date: Thursday, March 4, 1999, at 10:52:07
In Reply To: Re: Is it Christmas yet? posted by Diane on Thursday, March 4, 1999, at 10:22:34:

> > > Oh, and Warpath was maroon, not magenta. The tint controls on your memory are out of sync. :)
> >
> > What is the difference between maroon and magenta? Three orders of luminosity or something like that...
> >
> > Dar "Less than meets the eye" ien
> Maroon is a very dark red (think Star Trek NextGen bridge officer uniforms), whereas magenta is a purplish red.
> Di "Now you know..." ane

But is it just a luminosity difference? Is magenta just like a lighter shade of maroon, or is there a hue difference? I always thought maroon was more purplish than the NextGen red uniforms... or maybe I'm thinking mauve...

Dar "Aaaaa! Too many shades of red that start with "M!"" ien

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