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Re: Is it Christmas yet?
Posted By: Darien, on host
Date: Wednesday, March 3, 1999, at 11:17:53
In Reply To: Re: Is it Christmas yet? posted by Sam on Wednesday, March 3, 1999, at 03:59:21:

> > I saw that one first, and burst out laughing (not a good thing, since I'm in the campus computer center...).
> Ah, I miss those days. Not so many years ago I did all my Internet computing from my ex-school's computer cluster, and frequently found myself in circumstances where outright laughter was hard to suppress -- and been around when the occasional other person would be in the same situation. I'm sure it struck the other 90% of the people in there as very weird, as all they ever knew computers could do was write term papers. It wasn't as bad in the UNIX cluster, where I was the vast majority of the time, as opposed to the PC cluster, because to be in the UNIX cluster you actually had to know something. So at least if you laughed out loud, most of the other people would realize that humor online is conceivable.

Yeah, I get funny looks. But, then, considering that I'm a theatre stooge, I get funny looks anyway. Remind me to tell you the story about me and Michael at Wal*Mart sometime when I have the time...

I'd like to learn UNIX, but I'm poor and our school, being a small liberal arts school, has no UNIX machines (or, if we do, I've been unable to find them). Sigh.

> The computer stupidity about the two girls that came into the UNIX cluster (Linux machines) and mucked around for forty five minutes before realizing Microsoft Windows wasn't even installed on the thing happened to me personally. :-)

I have a couple of stupidities, some from college, some from before, that I'll have to send you. Get them off my chest (Mr. Burns quote: "and onto the Chests of my inferiors!")

Dar "Superior chest" ien