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Re: Rinkworks and The Milky Way
Posted By: Faux Pas, on host
Date: Wednesday, July 14, 1999, at 06:14:07
In Reply To: Rinkworks and The Milky Way posted by Shaoming on Wednesday, July 14, 1999, at 00:58:46:

> But I've been wondering:
> What keeps you coming back as often as you do, with the gems that you have, week after week?

A few reasons why I like this place:

There's just the right amount of conversation going on that I can keep up with ongoing discussions. It isn't too large, such as the Home Theater Forum (hundreds of posts a day) or anything over on UseNet where you just can't read it all. Most of the discussions here are interesting to me (sorry Howard, I'm not a NASCAR fan) and I'd say that all of the regulars have something relevant to add to conversations.

Also, it's not graphics-intensive -- I can view what looks like a page of text during breaks at work without looking like I'm goofing off. Try taking a ten-minute break at the Tomb Raider web site when the boss walks by and you'll know what I'm talking about.

-Faux "and there's always the fun you can have thinking up quotes for the middle of your name" Pas

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