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Re: Rinkworks and The Milky Way
Posted By: famous, on host
Date: Thursday, July 15, 1999, at 06:09:48
In Reply To: Re: Rinkworks and The Milky Way posted by Nitharn on Wednesday, July 14, 1999, at 18:57:37:

> >I personally am a 15yearold female high school >student (any other high school posters out there?)
> I'm a high school poster. Actually, I'm a 15yearold female high school poster :)
> Ni "I need a new nym. What phrase starts with *Ni* and ends with *Tharn*? (in *English*?)" tharn

i just wanted to comment that for 15 year-olds you all are pretty smart. i think that's the best thing about this forum, that we can express ourselves without feeling like we are being looked down upon.

fam"i've already admitted i'm in college, that's as much as i care for you all to know"ous

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