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Re: Yet another...
Posted By: Darien, on host
Date: Sunday, July 18, 1999, at 17:11:53
In Reply To: Re: Yet another... posted by Paul A. on Sunday, July 18, 1999, at 03:50:47:

> Here, primary school is grades 1 through 7, and high school is grades 8 through 12. Is it like that in North America?

Pretty close, but not quite. Primary school is grades one through five, "junior high" school is grades six through eight, and high school is grades nine through twelve.

> My personality on online fora isn't exactly alternate, but it is more relaxed and much less shy. Because we'll never meet, and you can't see my face or hear my voice or tell when I stumbled over my words, I feel I can say things I'd be afraid to if we were talking face to face.
> This is a somewhat irrational attitude, and it does occasionally get me into trouble. :o)

I don't think that's irrational at all; I think it makes perfect sense. But, then, I'm a philosophy major; I think all kinds of rediculous things make perfect sense. So you never know. :-}

Dar "That than which nothing greater..." ien

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