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Re: Yet another...
Posted By: Paul A., on host
Date: Sunday, July 18, 1999, at 03:50:47
In Reply To: Re: Yet another... posted by Darien on Saturday, July 17, 1999, at 21:59:26:

> > I'm 17, male, and just passed grade 11 this year. In Alberta (Canada), we have a 12th grade
> > which means that, at least for another year, I get to be a high school poster too :-).
> Me, I'm eighteen years of age, and I'm entering my junior year of college. So I am not a high
> school poster; I'm even worse :-}.

I'm eighteen, and because school years actually match up with real years in the southern hemisphere, I'm about halfway through my second year of college (and I've failed a unit already).

> By the way - we have twelfth grade here in the states, too.

In Australia, too.
Here, primary school is grades 1 through 7, and high school is grades 8 through 12. Is it like that in North America?

> > > I personally am a 15yearold female high school student (any other high school posters out
> > > there?) but when I'm posting that doesn't matter. I say a ton of stuff I normally wouldn't
> > > even THINK about saying if I was face to face with all of you people, and I think that's
> > > great.
> >
> > Not me. I'm like this all the time. Usually crazier. So are most of my friends.
> I... tend to be me. All the time. What exactly that is, or what it means... I couldn't tell you.
> But I do what I do, and I say what I say, and I haven't created an "alternate personality" for
> this forum or anything.

My personality on online fora isn't exactly alternate, but it is more relaxed and much less shy. Because we'll never meet, and you can't see my face or hear my voice or tell when I stumbled over my words, I feel I can say things I'd be afraid to if we were talking face to face.

This is a somewhat irrational attitude, and it does occasionally get me into trouble. :o)


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