Episode 4: True Love Must Wait, By Sam, 5/11/2009 [ Jump To Comments ]

Join Sinbad and his merry men as they embark on a dubiously-conceived quest to foil a dubiously-conceived but probably evil plot by the evil vizier Jaffar! Sinbad Comic is a screen-cap comic based on the incredible, incomparable, and inexplicable 1989 Lou Ferrigno film, Sinbad of the Seven Seas.
Sinbad Comic is currently on hiatus but will eventually return for the fifth and final season.
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Comments (20)
Date: Mon, 7/12/2010, 13:23:49
Date: Sun, 8/16/2009, 01:41:44
Date: Thu, 8/13/2009, 13:47:55
Date: Fri, 7/17/2009, 08:22:33
Date: Sat, 5/16/2009, 21:27:03
I only saw the 'State of Affairs' one
Date: Sat, 5/16/2009, 11:17:42
Date: Fri, 5/15/2009, 16:32:34
Date: Wed, 5/13/2009, 19:21:19
Busticate! BAHAHAHAHA! *wipes laugh-tears away* Hee.
Date: Tue, 5/12/2009, 20:16:18
Date: Tue, 5/12/2009, 19:24:26
Date: Mon, 5/11/2009, 18:47:51
You should have built Ali's refusal to face the camera into the story. "Why do you keep moving so my face is in the foreground, Ali?" "We should only ever be able to see your beauty, Alina, for you are the most beautiful, lovely, wondrous, spectacular creature on this planet alone in a myriad of stars!"
Date: Mon, 5/11/2009, 18:27:29
Date: Mon, 5/11/2009, 17:20:19
Date: Mon, 5/11/2009, 17:02:01
Date: Mon, 5/11/2009, 16:26:07
Anyway, this is the first strip that gets into the heart of the movie and starts changing the plot around. In the movie, this scene occurs a ways in, but here it's a flashback. (I loved the chance to play with flowery language. The "busticate in twain" line is my favorite of the early strips.)
One frustrating thing, though, is that we basically never see Ali's face head-on in this scene. The camera's on Alina a lot here, but the side-view in panel 5 is the best I could get for Ali. That made creating a true two-sided conversation a real challenge. (In the movie, the scene doesn't have any dialogue at all, so I couldn't even get "speaking" expressions out.)
I'll talk more later about working under those kinds of constraints. For now, though, best to let this comic stay fresh as it rolls out.
Date: Mon, 5/11/2009, 09:06:35
Date: Mon, 5/11/2009, 09:04:20
This conflict was named the "Cold, Clammy, Moist War" by historians due to the stalemate between the two powers, so-called because they threatened each other with mutually assured destruction via their stockpiles of laser-shooting slime monsters.
Date: Mon, 5/11/2009, 08:48:19
Date: Mon, 5/11/2009, 07:38:45
Yeah, that one would never work on my wife--this must be true love between these two.
'Honey, it's my job to take a road trip out to California with the guys...'
Date: Mon, 5/11/2009, 07:23:03
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