Episode 50: Sinbad the Playground Bully, By Sam, 10/19/2009 [ Jump To Comments ]

Join Sinbad and his merry men as they embark on a dubiously-conceived quest to foil a dubiously-conceived but probably evil plot by the evil vizier Jaffar! Sinbad Comic is a screen-cap comic based on the incredible, incomparable, and inexplicable 1989 Lou Ferrigno film, Sinbad of the Seven Seas.
Sinbad Comic is currently on hiatus but will eventually return for the fifth and final season.
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Comments (7)
Date: Sun, 11/21/2010, 02:01:01
Date: Tue, 7/13/2010, 11:43:23
"Yuu must be zis high tuu fight" lmao
Date: Thu, 10/22/2009, 10:39:54
I never liked that part of the movie. Although it's obviously fake, it's still pretty gross for an otherwise sunny and bloodless film. The frame-by-frame scrutiny I had to do to put this comic together pretty much negated any queasiness I'd previously had. (And then, of course, as Gahalyn says, I had to get even grosser with the dialogue to make the mother-daughter joke work, so shame on me.) For instance, it's funny how obvious it is, when you view the film frame-by-frame, how there's a cut at a key moment when Sinbad punches through the zombie king. His fist impacts the chest of the rubber creature, and then there's a cut right at the moment when his arm would penetrate the body. The frame I've included (the one just above the "I'm being possessed..." line) is the last frame before the cut. After the cut, there's a side view and then a second cut back to a frontal view, wherein the hole in the rubber model is fully evident.
Date: Thu, 10/22/2009, 03:18:17
Date: Wed, 10/21/2009, 18:17:33
I also enjoy Charlie apparently flying around the ship. I'm sure he's just jumping, but it makes it a lot eerier if he's floating from zombie to zombie, wreaking havoc wherever he goes.
Date: Tue, 10/20/2009, 02:25:58
Also, you're gross.
Date: Mon, 10/19/2009, 10:39:00
As of this writing, I'm about half way through season 2, which involves adventure on the high seas and a decidedly sinister turn.
Remember, although the comic's normal narrative is on hiatus until next April, there will continue to be updates (in the form of special features) every Monday and Thursday.
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