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Re: In defense of Americans
Posted By: julian, on host
Date: Tuesday, May 29, 2001, at 00:43:06
In Reply To: In defense of Americans posted by Jezzika on Monday, May 28, 2001, at 18:23:01:

> On this forum, the American culture has often been criticized and defended. During my backpacking days, there were many times when I met people who believed negative stereotypes about Americans. It also happens on the many message boards I frequent which have mostly non-American posters. Of course, it's not too common, but it can be frustrating.
> As a response to such discussions, one woman posted this. I think it's very insightful, and though it's a bit defensive in places, I liked it.

(thinking to my self)Don't reply to that! Don't! Don't! You won't be able to say all you want to say and it'll only re-re-re-open a can of worms! Don't do it! Don't!(stop thinking)

So here I go. My opening statement will be this: I beleive that the US hosts everything from the stupidest, fattest, ugliest, most ignorant stereotype of The American Tourist, touring Europe in a week, to the worlds smartest* physicist**.

When people say, "They are giggling, loud and everything they said was stupid, [...] They poke fun at others who have a different accent. They only speak one language...", they have met the stupid tourist. And they are being stupid themselves, because accents *are* fun, and they (the people, not the tourist or the accents) probably have difficulties learning languages.

However, I take exception to the political views expressed in the link. Yes, the US foreign policy controls a significant part of all other countries ditto, and everytime international action is taken against agressors, the US forces play a dominant part. The US being the only remaining superpower, I personally believe that this is essential if the world is to continue towards civilization. But, you know, (many) other countries contribute just as much on a relative basis, and the US doesn't pay its dues to the UN - last time I heard (a while ago), you (the americans) owed the UN several billion dollars.

"When a disaster occurs elsewhere in the world, we send our people over to help. When a disaster occurs in the United States, where have YOU been?"
I've been home watching TV, thanks very much. The US is rich enough to watch out for itself. If a nuclear disaster wiped out 80% of all buildings in USA, I'd certainly rally my friends to raise money for homeless americans, but, to be cynical, an earthquake in LA or a bomb in Oklahoma doesn't warrant any action on my part, because of the relative magnitudes involved. On the other hand, when the monsoon (I think it is) floods half of Bangladesh every year, or two thirds of every sudanese on this planet starve, I will move my butt out of the way to help. That is what I call civilized behaviour.

Oh, well, that'll be it for now. I don't hate all americans, only some of them. Probably less americans than non-americans, but I don't (and won't ever) know enough to be sure.

jul"I'm going to hate myself for all the things I didn't research properly and all the things I didn't say in this post"ian

* I hate that word! It's soooo american!
** In my book, physicist are the smartest people around. Period. I don't care what you bunch think, 'cause you are all just abstract beings in my electronic universe, which I can shut down at the end of the day or just plain ignore. I've never met you and never will.

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