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Hi there.
Posted By: syrinx, on host
Date: Monday, December 11, 2000, at 15:27:23

Hi. I guess I've started posting some, so I should introduce myself or something.

My name is Kevin, I'm 18, and a first year computer science major at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, MA. I grew up in Ohio though (it's 'pop', not 'soda' :) ).

I don't know how long I've been coming to Rinkworks. Quite awhile. And I remember the Apogee FAQ from somewhere else before I came here (and my mom loves Everett Kaiser games, which is sorta a coincidence :) ). Computer Stupidities and I Think are always funny.

I've been using computers since my dad brought one home from work several nights a week when I was 2 or 3. When I was 6 or 7 we bought our own, an XT manufactured by Epson (yes, the printer company, they apparently made computers too for awhile). My dad taught me how to program in BASIC. Pretty much since then I've wanted to be in the computer field. Our Epson Equity computer had a 2400 bps modem in it, and I'd call local BBSs to download games (the newest Apogee game, many times ;) ).

Often times I've told my friends that the only four things I do are computer, tv, guitar, sleep. Unfortunately, I do have to eat, and go to classes occasionally. And I don't actually watch that much TV... mostly just _Babylon 5_, stuff on Comedy Central, and CNN. I used to be a huge Star Trek fan, but I've cooled on that slightly, since Voyager isn't that great, and I've discovered B5 reruns. :)

Also I like listening to music. My web page says more on that than I can fit in here. :) I'll fill in the link to my page in those "link" forms there, and see how that comes up. My page has a bunch of stuff about me mostly if anyone's interested.

Politically, I'm a conservative-leaning libertarian. Theologically, I'm an agnostic. Astrologially, my sign is Cancer.

Well that's about all. Oh. "Syrinx" is a reference to the Rush song "2112", one of the parts deals with the 'temples of Syrinx'. I looked up some stuff about it after I started using it... apparently 1) In Greek myth, Syrinx was a nymph that Pan chased around until she turned into a reed to escape him, and he made those pipes you always see him with out of her (oops, Syrinx is a female name, oh well) and 2) Birds don't have a larynx, they have a syrinx.

-syr "nymph and/or bird throat" inx

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