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Re: going, going,
Posted By: Luisa, on host
Date: Monday, March 29, 1999, at 07:41:38
In Reply To: Re: going, going, posted by Darien on Saturday, March 27, 1999, at 14:40:45:

> I be the only (literally) male stage manager at this school

Yeah, at my school, all the people who enjoy stage managing are women. We have a couple of guys who have done it, and sworn that they'd rather shoot themselves in the foot than do it again. I've been trying to figure out why it seems to be a female-dominated group of people. Do you have any thoughts on this? Some of my SM friends suggested it was that women are generally better at multi-tasking than men, but I'm not yet convinced. . .

> Being the small one (5'5", 130 lbs.) I'm the one who gets to run around in the grid and gets raised up to the celing to do all manner of stuff up there. I enjoy that part of the job - it's much easier than positioning the Genie lift so someone else can go up! :-}

I've never actually been on our grid, but I hope to play up there some day . . . I think I'm part monkey, and I've found that just about anything is more fun if you do it in the theater. I've been climbing on things all my life, and that's cool, but I can only imagine how much more fun climbing on things in a theater would be. :)

I'm currently stage managing a radio variety show, which is a lot of secretarial busy work, and not very much fun theater work. Grrr. I'm also acting for one of my classes - in Spanish! My Spanish class performed a scene for the radio show yesterday, and my legs were shaking so much from fear that I thought I was going to fall into the mike. Well, at least now I remember another reason why I do tech work. . .

Hope your show went fabulously!

Lu "counting the days until she can SM a real show again" isa

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