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Re: going, going,
Posted By: Darien, on host
Date: Monday, March 29, 1999, at 18:47:14
In Reply To: Re: going, going, posted by Luisa on Monday, March 29, 1999, at 07:41:38:

> Yeah, at my school, all the people who enjoy stage managing are women. We have a couple of guys who have done it, and sworn that they'd rather shoot themselves in the foot than do it again. I've been trying to figure out why it seems to be a female-dominated group of people. Do you have any thoughts on this? Some of my SM friends suggested it was that women are generally better at multi-tasking than men, but I'm not yet convinced. . .

I've really no idea. Down here at EC, our school is about eighty-per-cent female, so I'm sure that contributes.

> I'm currently stage managing a radio variety show, which is a lot of secretarial busy work, and not very much fun theater work. Grrr.

I suppose I'm the closest thing my radio show has to a stage manager... we are on the air every Sunday night starting at ten o'clock. That's WECW 107.7 FM... as long as you live within ten feet of the campus, you can get us (*ten* watts! Not ten kilowatts, or anything, but ten watts!)...

> Hope your show went fabulously!

Well, it did one night, anyway. But that's a completely different story...

Dar "The days until he SMs a real show now can be counted on one finger..." ien