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Re: going, going,
Posted By: Luisa, on host
Date: Tuesday, March 30, 1999, at 11:34:23
In Reply To: Re: going, going, posted by Howard on Monday, March 29, 1999, at 17:22:18:

> Question -- I spell theatre with an re if it's live and with an er if it's film. Is that kosher?
> Howard

I usually spell it theater for both. Of course, on days when I'm feeling more formal, or have been thinking about the british isles a lot, it tends to come out theatre. According to my school, I'm studying "Theatre Arts", which sounds incredibly stuck-up to me. :)There are people who get upset if you spell it the "wrong" way (ususally that means -er) but they are few and far between, in my experience.


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