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Re: The evils of the Trinity idea
Posted By: Mike, the penny-stamp man, on host
Date: Tuesday, May 13, 2003, at 15:51:05
In Reply To: Re: The Evils of Gaming posted by Wedge on Sunday, May 11, 2003, at 20:37:13:

The Trinity is an evil idea not because it is wrong, but because it can be so freaking hard to explain. C. S. Lewis associated the Trinity idea to a theory of perfectly shifting gears with a standard automobile transmission--perfectly explaining God won't happen, jsut like there's no such thing as frictionless gear-shifting. Lewis also said, in true Pascal fashion, that the concept of the Trinity is either the truth or else something like the most elaborate lie ever concocted. Incidentally, Lewis didn't say those things in the same book.

Using the divine "us" in Hebrew scripture to prove the Trinity is a misunderstanding of the Hebrew language and the larger world culture in which Genesis was written. Even if the writers were monotheistic, divinity was closely akin to royalty (though, of course, on a higher level); even human rulers of ancient lands (and perhaps some kings as recently as the 20th century) referred to themselves in plurally simply to express their own power.

If anyone knows a place God is called "Father" in the Old Testament, i'd love to see it. By some of the prophets he's compared to a father, but never called one directly before Jesus (i'm speaking exclusively of Jewish and Christian scripture here).

Genesis 1:1 gives the reader God. verse two includes the Spirit of God working.

The rest of the passage has God speaking creation into existence. That's where John's connection to Greek thought comes (in his gospel, chapter one, verse one, "In the beginning was the Word." Through the centuries, Christian theologians have also interpreted the Messiah pre-incarnate into many angelic visits recorded in the Old Testament (so long as the visitor didn't refuse the person worshipping before them because such an action should only be reserved for God).

I've heard one comedian describe the Trinity as something like apple pie, how when it's sliced the crust division is visible but the stuff inside all runs together. Defining God is something we'll never get down all the way.

Mi "And that's all the book report i got in me right now" ke

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