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Rear Window
Posted By: Dagmar, on host
Date: Thursday, August 12, 1999, at 09:05:59

On high recommendation from this forum, I opted to rent "Rear Window" last night. I drove a few minutes down the road to Blockbuster Video (they have EVERYTHING, right?). Due to the recent release of the new "Psycho", Blockbuster is promoting Hitchcock films with prominant cardboard markers, each bragging a classic picture of Hitchcock himself, over any shelf that carries one of his movies. Thanks to this advertising, I easily found my way to the R section of drama, and eagerly scanned the shelves for the movie.


I scanned again.


I looked on nearby shelves.

Still nothing.

So, I asked at the front desk and, wonder of wonders, they didn't have it! Not at all!

So...yeah. That was disappointing.

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