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Re: Rear Window
Posted By: Stephen, on host
Date: Monday, August 16, 1999, at 09:27:10
In Reply To: Re: Rear Window posted by Dagmar on Monday, August 16, 1999, at 09:20:42:

> That's odd, but yes, now I understand. I never look at ratings unless I am renting for sensative eyes and ears (not my own), so that sort of system would drive me crazy. Personally, if I go to a video store that hasn't made a decent effort to alphabetize, I won't rent there.
> Dagmar

Heh. One thing I hate about Blockbuster (and yes, I rent from BBV) is that while their videos are alphabetized, they're only sort of. What I mean is that while all the R's are together, "Rear Window" might be placed after "Rope" on the shelf. It's extremely annoying...


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