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Re: Rear Window
Posted By: Dagmar, on host
Date: Tuesday, August 17, 1999, at 08:53:17
In Reply To: Re: Rear Window posted by Stephen on Monday, August 16, 1999, at 09:27:10:

> Heh. One thing I hate about Blockbuster (and yes, I rent from BBV) is that while their videos are alphabetized, they're only sort of.

That was another problem with the Blockbuster in question. I have been trained since I was able to read to look for titles in alphabetical order, so when I am looking for something specific like "Rear Window" I pick a point in the early part of the R's. Say the first title I see is "Rainbow Brite". If "Rush" is directly to the right of it, I instinctively assume "Rear Window" is not in stock (and that this video store has some catagorization issues).

I've either have to modify this logical chain of thought to allow for the laziness and disorderliness that is prominent in so many video stores or find another store. I tend toward the latter.


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